I realize any non-teachers hate me for complaining that my week off is over and it's eight whole weeks until my next week off. It's not going back to work that I'm complaining about, or rather, it's not being back at work I'm complaining about. I am happier when I'm working. For me, it's the loss of momentum that is so daunting. I have to stand in front of all five of my classes tomorrow and convince them that there's nothing to be done about the fact that their break is over too and they have to endure my class about 40 more times before their next break. If I were an inspirational wonderful teacher I would see my challenge as making my class so dang exciting that they are glad to be back and dread our next "forced hiatus" (that's what they would call it, I'm sure). I'm not in that kind of mood right now. So for me, it's just having to get going from a dead stop that I dread. Almost so much so that I would forego these breaks. Maybe not. The kids do need a break and I was counting down to this break pretty heavily, carving tally marks into my teacher desk with safety scissors. It was a tough stretch before break; a lot of craziness has ensued since February began. To recap:
- I managed to stay unsick just long enough for vacation to come along, and then sick I was. I spent much of my break wrapped in blankets on the couch watching marathons of various TV crime dramas. Sorry Rob.
- Report cards came out with all the accompanying backlash.
- MCAS testing is looming and I had to endure a meeting about how we're preparing for it.
- I had the worst parent meeting of my life the Tuesday after our basement flooded (yes, our basement flooded due to a broken water pipe and we were without heat/water for a day and thus had to live elsewhere for the night). The parent of an honors student who had received a C- for the term due largely to low quiz/test scores and an essay she didn't turn in told me I had an attitude after saying, "So can I just get an apology from you for your part in her not writing that essay?"
ME: No. She walked out of that meeting and had another with my principal. Who had another with me. It's actually all taken care of 134 meetings later but you could see how this would be stressful. - My morning class saw me jump approximately 17 and half inches in the air and heard me shriek like a teenager in a haunted house (you know when the guy with the messed up face comes after you with the chainsaw? Like that.) after my third brother aka my current least favorite math teacher in the world snuck into my classroom and was inches from my face before he spoke. I HATE when he does that. I actually told my class at that point (who were finally awake after their morning nap through my lecture on how to analyze the setting of a story) to pack up; I was done teaching after that.
- I did not actually get any Valentines and felt a little like Charlie Brown. Good grief. There's always next year.
- I had to reprimand a 7th grade female student for wearing too short a skirt and sitting like a high school basketball player only to later find out that this student's mother had actually sent in a "permission slip" for her daughter to wear said skirt. I think it read something like: Dear Principal, I give my daughter permission to attend school dressed like a tramp. Signed, Mrs. Tramp.
- Did I mention that our basement flooded? No one should spend their Saturday night with a ShopVac. For any reason.
- Scott spent a day working a detail with Ryan. I found this, while predictably inevitable, still unsettling. I talked to him last a year ago, and though I guess I do wonder sometimes how he is, it's odd to be reminded of him in such a real way.
So given all that, a week off wasn't quite enough to recover. Really. I did sleep a lot. I did eat a lot of pizza and watch a lot of bad TV. I know, me watching TV. Reading somehow seemed too draining. Who is this person? And now we go back to school tomorrow, and I have to start from a dead stop and try to gain momentum, just to lose it again over April break.
Do you have any idea how long it takes to pick out something to wear after a week off? Woe is me.
And the good news is that softball is right around the corner and I have a feeling I will be overcomitted again in no time. At least there's no snow on the ground for the moment and I feel like it wants to turn the corner to "late winter/early spring." I hope. I miss my flip-flops.
So think of me working hard all day tomorrow and try not to hate me too much as I struggle to get back into the routine, this whole getting up and going to work thing. That means you too, Rob. Don't hate me because I'm union! There are plenty of other reasons.