I cannot friggin' believe it's Nov. 6...why do I always tell myself that life is so much slower in November? Sure, soccer's over (well, one more week of rec) but there's still so much to do. Grades for Term One are due next week, so that's the big obstacle at the moment. And the softball coach didn't even have the decency to wait until soccer season ended before he started pestering me about softball. I politely reminded him (he's retired...so he's a full-time varsity coach. Must be nice. Not something I can duplicate.) that softball starts in March. Leave me alone till then! All of it's getting in the way of my writing my novel. But I'm doing it this year. It's gonna be a big last-minute push like usual, but it'll get written.
I only have about 1,000 words so far...it's something...and I'm cheating sort of, not really--tacking 50,000 words onto an already-in-progress work, which started at about 13,000 words, so it's frustrated to see the total climb and not be able to count of them.
I'm going to confess: I downloaded the new Pink song from iTunes.Whew. I feel better. It's just so...I don't know. I can't say good. But listenable certainly.
Parents conferences loom. Grading hovers over me. My room, my car, my office, my desk and classroom at school; all of it is a mess. The nice lady at administration just got me today to finally sign my contract. They've been kind enough to pay me this whole time.
So Andy and I hung out Saturday night and had fun. And he didn't even make fun of my musical taste this time. Then again, that was before that Pink confession was out in the open...yee that looks bad.
This week has just been so long in so many ways...and I am so far behind, even though it seems like I should have all this spare time, I just don't seem to. Oh well. Could be worse. [insert election joke here about Republicans and spare time].
Suz, I am in the same boat; not sure who assigned all of these essays and quizzes. It certainly was not me.... Yet, grades have to be updated Wednesday by 3:00. Hmmmm.....
Still need your facebook info! :-)
Posted by: Paula | November 09, 2008 at 10:23 AM