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August 06, 2008



I think your summer and my summer ran off together and are enjoying daiquiris on the beach in Maui.


i've decided that my summer didn't wander off. i'm just taking it in the fall when it's nicer out. remember the beer festival. plan for it. train for it.

[and i was rubbish last night]


I like both your theories! Yes, hopefully I can make the beerfest this year! And no, Rob you were not rubbish.


I need to find my summer as well. Only a few weeks of freedome left!

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Brody the puppy (updated)

  • Is this an annual or perrennial?
    Here are some new additions to my Brody pictures, which follow his baby pictures for comparison. As small as he still is, you can clearly see he's SO much bigger than he used to be! Cuter too. I'm sure you'll agree.


  • self portrait
    Marie and I spent a few days in Newport, R.I. during April vacation. Our trip included a visit to the Newport Vineyard, several of the Newport Mansions and the waterfront area.


  • Me on the bridge
    Lynn and I escaped to Charleston in February, 2006. We were in search of sun and warmth, and a little bit of adventure. We found all three, I am happy to say. Nothing can be bad about 70 degrees in February...The trip was filled with flip-flops, free food, Spanish moss, live oaks, tea olives, joggling boards and magnolias.

Paris Weekend

  • Quiet streets
    As has become our tradition, Rob and I took a long weekend to hop a TransAtlantic flight somewhere...this year the dart landed in Paris. (Budapest will have to wait until next year...). Before you ask, Paris in January is...cold!!! And gray, but still amazingly beautiful. And Rob says we were lucky--the cold kept away a lot of the pickpockets.

Dublin '05

  • dalkeyview
    A handful of photos taken on a weekend blitz to Dublin with my brothers in March 2005.

On My Bookshelf

  • Barbara Kingsolver: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle
  • Muhummad Yunus: Banker to the Poor
  • Julia Alvarez: Saving the World
  • John Grisham: The Brethren
  • Mark Bowden: Guests of the Ayatollah