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After spending two years as a reporter at my hometown newspaper, I decided I needed a change. I took a job as a permanent substitute for high school English at my former high school in Plymouth, MA. Since they didn't manage to find a job for me, I landed a better one teaching eighth grade English in a junior high school. I am convinced this age group is the best group of kids there is, and I could easily write a book on some of the things I've seen and heard these past years!

As for my interests and hobbies and what-not...obviously writing has always ranked high among both, and has always managed to dominate my professional life too. When I'm not doing that, or teaching America's Youth what pronouns, adverbs and adjectives are, I do a good bit of writing on my own, fruitless as it may be.
I am a three-time participant and "winner" of the National Novel Writing Month event held each November. Naturally, I hope to someday publish a novel so I can come up with a snappy little bio of myself to include on the back inside cover...


writing, coaching and playing soccer, rugby, poetry, backpacking and travel